What is Your Vocation?

“Become who you are meant to be and set the world on fire” – St. Catherine of Siena

SIENA – Young Adult Programme (18 -35)

If you are at a cross-roads in your life; just finished school, at or just finished third level education, working, unemployed, on a gap year, not satisfied with your career choice or looking for something more … then the SIENA programme is for you. SIENA is designed to help young adults (18-35) to discover who they are meant to be and what path in life God may be calling them to. Whether marriage or single life, priesthood or diaconate, religious or consecrated life, God has a plan for each one of us that will help us to thrive and not just survive.

Please Click on image above for more information

You Only Live Once – Be Holy

Holiness is the First Vocation.  Holiness means trying to be like Jesus.  Aside from your decision to follow Jesus, choosing your vocation is life’s most important decision.

Six Ways to Discern My Vocation

1. PRAYER. Prayer is a conversation with God—not just saying prayers, but speaking to the Lord from your heart. Ask him to reveal his plan for you:“Jesus, I want to want what you want. Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.” Trust that God has a plan for you. 

2. SACRAMENTS. The soul is the window through which we can see God and hear his voice.  If the window is dirty because of sin, it must be cleaned through Confession so we can be in union with God. When you receive Communion, ask Jesus to show you your vocation.

3. GOOD INFORMATION. It is impossible to discover your vocation without good information.  What does it mean to have a holy Christian marriage? What do priests do? What is it like to be a religious sister or brother? Search for good information online, then take what you have learned back to prayer.

4. GO ON RETREAT. Miracles happen on retreats! One of the surest ways to discover God’s plan for you is to enter into silence and prayer over an extended period. Ask the Vocation Director to help you find a good retreat.

5. GET ADVICE. Don’t try to discern your vocation alone, without the help of the Church. Talk to a priest, deacon, religious or committed christian.

6. THE BLESSED MOTHER. Mary is the ultimate example of openness to the will of God. Are you open to God’s will for you? Pray three Hail Marys every day, specifically to discover your vocation and have the courage to follow it.


Please don’t hesitate to contact the Vocations Office on 087 9880690 for any queries or questions you may have as you endeavour to discern your vocation in life.