Bringing Holy Week Home – A Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday Companion

A different way of praying as a community of faith
Again this year, our celebrations for Holy Week will be very different due to the restrictions in place because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. As a Christian Community we cannot gather together for our usual religious services. This will not prevent us from uniting spiritually and taking time to pray, to reflect and to make this Holy Week a truly enriching experience of the presence of God in our lives. This guide is to assist us in walking the journey of Holy Week 2021 together, even if we must be apart.

Visiting your local church this Holy Week
While we cannot gather for public worship, you may well discover that your local parish has arrangements in place for you to come to the church for private prayer this Holy Week. Many parishes are making it possible for people to take home blessed palm on Palm Sunday and to bring holy water home on Easter Sunday. You may want to pray the stations of the cross in your local parish church during the week or on Good Friday, or some other form of prayer, as you physically connect with the parish in this important time in the Church Year.

You can download the complete Holy Week Companion here or click on the daily images below. 









