Camino de Santiago: Young Adult Pilgrimage with Bishop Kevin Doran.
20th – 28th June 2017. 18 – 35 age group. Cost €650. Includes flights, accomodation, 20kg Check-in luggage plus hand luggage, transfers and insurance. Places Limited. Walk from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela, total distance 120Km, approximately 20Km per day. Three preparation walks: Saturday 4th Februray, Saturday 4th March and Saturday 27th May. To secure place, applicants, must: pay €100 Non-Refundable Deposit; provide signed letter from Doctor indicating appropriate fitness/health to walk 120Km in 6 days; complete application form and agree to particpate in a least two of the preparation walks. For more information, please see or contact: Frank McGuinness, Director of Youth Ministry on 087 9880690 or [email protected]
Triduum in honour of Our Lady of Fatima
Join us at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for a Triduum in honour of Our Lady of Fatima this Friday 11th – Sunday 13th August 2017
Guest Preacher: Father John Walsh OP
8:00am Mass
10:30am Triduum begins with solemn procession
10:30am Mass – celebrant and preacher, Fr John Walsh OP
11:00am – 12:00pm Confession
6:00pm – 7:00pm Confession
6:30pm Meditated Rosary – led by Fr Walsh OP
7:00pm Mass – celebrant and preacher, Fr John Walsh OP
8:00am Mass
10:30am Mass – celebrant and preacher, Fr John Walsh OP
2:00pm – 4:00pm Confession
7:00pm – 7.30pm Confession
7:00pm Meditated Rosary – led by Fr Walsh OP
7:30pm Vigil Mass – celebrant and preacher, Fr John Walsh OP
8:15pm – 9:00pm Confession
8:30am Mass – celebrant and preacher, Fr John Walsh OP
10:30am Mass – celebrant and preacher, Fr John Walsh OP
12:00pm Mass – celebrant and preacher, Fr John Walsh OP
6:30pm Meditated Rosary – led by Fr Walsh OP
7:00pm Mass – celebrant and preacher, Fr John Walsh OP
8:00 – 9:00pm Confession

SIXTH CLASS STUDENTS & PARENTS: Elphin Diocese’s 3rd annual Confirmation Youth Fest takes place in Boyle on Sat. Oct. 7th. Representatives from all schools invited. For more info see …. A great opportunity for those hoping to receive Sacrament of Confirmation this year.

ELPHIN DIOCESAN PARISH DEV. & RENEWAL GATHERING will take place on Sat. Oct. 7th in St. Joseph’s Hall & Abbey Community College Boyle. This year’s focus: “Let’s talk family, Let’s be family” All welcome. For more info see: or brochures in Church porches.
Gospel of Life
Short (four session) Adult Faith Development programme entitled ‘Gospel of Life’ will run in Gleeson’s Townhouse, Roscommon, beginning Wednesday Oct. 25th (8-9.30 pm). For more details see: All welcome.
Celebration of Volunteerism in our Churches
An Ecumenical Celebration of Church Volunteerism in Sligo area will take place in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Thursday 26th October at 7.30p.m. The Service is being organised by Sligo Parishes Cluster Committee and Sligo Churches Together. It seeks to embrace Volunteers from the eight Churches of the Cluster, from the four Church of Ireland Churches and the Methodist, Presbyterian and Redeemed Churches. It will also include all our friends of other nationalities who reside here. Everyone who volunteers in any way with Church is invited, and a Reception will be held in the Presbyterian Hall afterwards. Please join us on the night – all are most welcome.