The Annual Mass of Chrism will take place at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo on Wednesday 23rd March (Spy Wednesday) at 7.30pm.
During the Mass, Bishop Kevin will bless the oils used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and the Sick. The priests of the diocese will renew their commitment to the priestly ministry.
We encourage everyone from around the diocese to attend this Mass – all are welcome!

If you feel called to Diocesan Priesthood, you are welcome to attend this weekend of discernment.
Contact details:
- Director of Vocations, Fr. Jim Murray, Carraroe, Co.Sligo. Tel: 071 9162136 [email protected]
- Assistant Director of Vocations, Fr. John Coughlan, The Presbytery, Boyle, Co Roscommon. Tel: 071 9662012 [email protected]>
- Or email [email protected] for further information
The Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place 10th – 12th June 2016. For booking and transport information –

The annual celebration of Marriage in the Diocese of Elphin will take place on Sunday 19th June 2016 at 3pm in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception followed by celebratory meal.
If you are celebrating the 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th or 60th Anniversary of your Marriage, you are very welcome to attend.
To book, please contact St Michael’s Family Life Centre on 071 9170329 or email [email protected]
‘When Creation was Begun’ – Blessing for Expectant Families and Prayer for Children in the Womb
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Bishop Kevin invites all expectant mothers and fathers and their wider families to a joyful celebration to pray for their unborn child. During this liturgy, Bishop Kevin will also remember in prayer children who have died at any stage during pregnancy and we will pray for the protection of our most vulnerable children in the womb. St Joseph’s Church, Boyle, Saturday 25th June 2016 at 5.00pm. Refreshments afterwards. All are very welcome.

“To Learn and Teach Mercy” – A Year of Mercy one day conference for those involved in education – organised by the Diocese of Elphin
Speakers: John Waters: Writer and Journalist; Senator Joan Freeman: Founder of Pieta House; Kevin Doran, Bishop of Elphin; Kate Liffey, National Director for Catechetics, Irish Episcopal conference, John Caroll, Chaplain, Sligo University Hospital. The day will involve a prayer service with the participation of local schools and end with a panel discussion.
Date: Saturday 24th September 2016; Venue: Summerhill College, Sligo; Time: 10.00am -4.00pm (Lunch Included); Booking Essential: contact: [email protected] or by telephoning 071 9151083; Donations welcome on the day – All are welcome!
Would you like to learn more about Bishop Kevin’s invitation to consider becoming a Catechist in the Diocese of Elphin? Why not come along to one of the upcoming information evenings in Athlone, Roscommon or Sligo at the end of September.
Speaking about parish Catechists, Bishop Kevin says “Their mission, in partnership with the priests and others who are active in the life of the parish community, will be to help the whole parish community to move beyond the routine into a deeper lived relationship with Jesus Christ and to become, in the words of Pope Francis, missionary disciples”.
Download information brochure – Partners in the Gospel Brochure