
The annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday 15th August. The Rosary will be prayed at 2.30pm and Bishop Kevin will celebrate Mass at 3.00pm in the Basilica. While people are welcome to attend this Mass, there is very limited capacity in the Basilica and entry is on a first come, first served basis. The Mass will be streamed live via
YOUNG ADULT WALK – 19th March (17+ AGE GROUP) – Join other young adults on a walk from Slish Wood to Creevelea Abbey (10km). Booking required. Please contact Frank McGuinness on 087 9880690 or on

Bishop Kevin will lead the annual Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 21st August, which takes place during the National Novena. Knock Shrine will be holding a Family Day on the same date with a variety of activities for families. Ceremonies in the Basilica begin with the Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm and Mass at 3.00pm. Details about this year’s Novena can be found at
After a two year break, we are delighted that our diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place once again from 24th – 29th August. To book, please contact Joe Walsh Tours on 01-241 0800 or on (online booking will be available shortly).
Please note there is no assisted pilgrim section this year.

ROSCOMMON THEO TALKS: Second session to be held on Wednesday 14th December 7.30pm-8.45pm in St. Coman’s Wood NS, Conference Room, Roscommon Town.
Theme: CATHOLIC LITURGY: What it means? Past, Present, Future- The Beauty, Dignity, and Theological Understanding of Liturgy
Speaker: Rev Dr. Vincent Twomey SVD (Former Professor of Theology)
7.15pm: Tea/Coffee. All Welcome. Free admission.
For further information contact Ms Una Feeley (Catechist) 086 380 5494; Fr Pravin 089 452 3322 or email
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Sligo Churches Together invite you to the annual Ecumenical Service to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in St John’s Cathedral, John Street, Sligo on Wednesday 25th January at 8.00pm. Homilist: Ms Colette Furlong. All are welcome.
To learn more about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, visit