Month’s Mind Mass for the late Bishop Christopher Jones will be celebrated in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo on Sunday 8th July at 7.00pm.
As part of a national pilgrimage, the Relics of Saints Louis and Zélie Martin and their daughter, Saint Therese of Lisieux will visit the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo on Wednesday 15th August 2018, arriving at 11.30am and departing on Thursday 16th August at 8.15am.
Saints Zélie and Louis Martin and their daughter Saint Therese of Lisieux
Day for Life 2018
Sunday, 7th October is Day for Life, celebrated annually by the Catholic Church in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and value of human life at every stage and in every condition. The focus this year is human trafficking. The Catholic community can make a real difference to help solve this problem – to help victims find freedom and live life to the full. We encourage you to deepen your understanding of Catholic Social Teaching on this important question by exploring the material prepared by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference on

SIENA – Young Adult Programme 2018/19. “Become who you are meant to be and set the world on fire”. St. Catherine of Siena
If you are at a cross-roads in your life; just finished school, at or just finished third level education, working, unemployed, on a gap year, not satisfied with your career choice or looking for something more … then the SIENA programme is for you. SIENA is designed to help young adults (18-35) to discover who they are meant to be and what path in life God may be calling them to. Whether marriage or single life, priesthood or diaconate, religious or consecrated life, God has a plan for each one of us that will help us to thrive and not just survive. You are invited to set aside six Saturday afternoons 2pm to 6:30pm between November 2018 and May 2019 to take part in the programme. More details available on our website at or contact Frank McGuinness on 087 9880690 or at [email protected]
World Meeting of Families 2018 / Papal Visit
Please support the national collection for the WMOF2018/Papal Visit which will take place in our parish on 10 & 11 November.
The Sligo Cathedral Christmas Carol Service takes place Sunday 23 December at 8:15pm. All welcome.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity commences on Friday, 18th January and will continue until Friday, 25th January. During this time we are asked to pray in a special way for unity among all Christians. There will be an INTERDENOMINATIONAL SERVICE in St. John’s Church of Ireland Cathedral, John’s Street, Sligo on Friday 25th January 2019 at 8pm. Bishop Kevin Doran is homilist. All are welcome to attend. Theme: “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue…”.