Pope Francis has designated Sunday 19th November as the first “World Day of the Poor”. When we read the Scriptures, we find that, from Moses, through the Prophets, up to Jesus himself, and in the first Christian communities, there is always a special focus on the poor. This love of preference for the poor is the only way that we can respond with integrity to a God who has given us so much, even His own Son. Unfortunately, in our times, there tends to be an assumption that the poor, like everything and everyone else, will be looked after by the state. Not only does it not work, but it misses the point that our Christian responsibility is something interpersonal, which cannot be delegated as easily as that.
In his message for the World Day of the Poor (, Pope Francis explains his own motivation for establishing the World Day for the Poor. He says:
At the conclusion of the Jubilee of Mercy, I wanted to offer the Church a World Day of the Poor, so that throughout the world Christian communities can become an ever greater sign of Christ’s charity for the least and those most in need.
The Pontifical Council for the New Evangelisation has also issued a pack of pastoral resources which can be found at:
Included among the resources are some stories from the lives of the saints who are most associated with the care of the poor, including our own Blessed John Sullivan, which might be of interest for a display, or indeed for children preparing for Confirmation.
As part of a national prayer initiative, you are invited to join with thousands of others who will pray the Rosary around the coast of Ireland for the protection of life. Meet at any of the following locations in Sligo on Sunday 26th November at 2.30pm:
- Strandhill – Meet at the canon
- Rosses Point – Meet at beach car park
- Streedagh Beach – Meet on the beach
- Mullaghmore Beach – Meeting at Star of the Sea Retreat Centre
- Lissadell – Meet on the beach
- Culleenamore/Kellystown – Meet on the beach
For more info and other locations around Ireland, see
“Living Family” will host a retreat day for all families on Saturday 6th January in Summerhill College, Sligo from 10am-5pm. Bishop Kevin will celebrate Mass at 10.30am. Booking essential. Contact Therese on 086 8228174 or [email protected]
An hour with Bishop Kevin to explore the LIFE question and to consider how best we can exercise our responsibility as Catholics to respect life and to support women.
Percy French Hotel, Strokestown on Monday 22nd January at 7.30pm. All are very welcome to attend.
Dates and venues for other evenings around the diocese will be made available in due course.
Theme “ THAT ALL MAY BE FREE”. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, a time we are asked to pray in a special way for unity among all Christians takes place from January 18th – 25th 2018. Bishop Kevin Doran will lead an Interdenominational Service to mark this special week in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo on Thursday, 25th January at 8pm. The Preacher will be Canon Patrick Bamber of the Church of Ireland Calry Parish. All are welcome.
All involved with Parish choirs are invited to a workshop with Ephrem Feeley, composter of A Joy for All the World (official hymn of WMOF2018) on Sat 3rd Feb 10.30am – 3.00pm in Star of the Sea Centre, Mullaghmore. To book: [email protected] or 071-9176722. Cost €15.00 per person (incl hot lunch)
As we prepare for the World Meeting of Families this August, we invite you to join us for guided discussion and reflection on family life, as outlined in Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love in the Family.
These informal sessions, which are free of charge, will take place in four centres in the diocese and everyone is welcome to attend – we are all family!
As we prepare for the World Meeting of Families this August, we invite you to join us for guided discussion and reflection on family life, as outlined in Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love in the Family.
These informal sessions, which are free of charge, will take place in four centres in the diocese and everyone is welcome to attend – we are all family!
As we prepare for the World Meeting of Families this August, we invite you to join us for guided discussion and reflection on family life, as outlined in Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love in the Family.
These informal sessions, which are free of charge, will take place in four centres in the diocese and everyone is welcome to attend – we are all family!

As we prepare for the World Meeting of Families this August, we invite you to join us for guided discussion and reflection on family life, as outlined in Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love in the Family.
These informal sessions, which are free of charge, will take place in four centres in the diocese and everyone is welcome to attend – we are all family!
As we prepare for the World Meeting of Families this August, we invite you to join us for guided discussion and reflection on family life, as outlined in Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love in the Family.
These informal sessions, which are free of charge, will take place in four centres in the diocese and everyone is welcome to attend – we are all family!