Bishop Doran will celebrate Mass to mark the 75th Anniversary of Riverstown Church.

You are invited to join Bishop Kevin and local Civic leaders for Mass to mark the 50th World Day of Peace at 12 noon on Sunday 1st January 2017 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo.
Pope Francis’ message for World Day of Peace 2017
Family Retreat Day – Sligo
“Living Family” will host a retreat day for all families on Saturday 7th January in Summerhill College, Sligo from 10am-5pm. Bishop Kevin will celebrate Mass at 10.30am. Booking essential. Contact Therese on 086 8228174 or [email protected]
As part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2017, Dean Arfon Williams invites all to an Ecumenical Worship Service tomorrow, Wednesday 25th January at 8pm in St John’s Church of Ireland Cathedral, John Street, Sligo.
This year Pastor Stefan Arras of the Lutheran Church in Ireland will preach the Sermon.

Praying with the Psalms – Bishop Kevin will give a presentation in Scoil Mhuire Convent Primary School, Convent Road, Roscommon on Tuesday February 21st at 7.30pm. For context and other details see: