Homilies and Addresses

Homily for Mass at Tobernalt Holy Well in Carraroe, Co Sligo

Bishop Kevin celebrated Mass at Tobernalt Holy Well in Carraroe, Co Sligo on Sunday 26th July 2015 at 11am.  It was televised on RTE 1 Television The Generosity of God Celebrating Mass out here under the trees, gathered around the Holy Well, puts us in a good position to imagine the atmosphere in the wilderness,...

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Pope Francis: Sociological Analysis or Evangelical Discernment – Address at Percy French Summer School

One Pope, Many Profiles It is always easy to say Yes to an invitation like this when it is some distance off but, like many people I suspect, I find it hard to focus the mind until the time draws near. So it happened that, a few weeks ago, I sat down and began to...

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Referendum Result – Bishop Kevin’s Pastoral Message to the People of the Diocese of Elphin

The outcome of the Marriage Referendum is clear and decisive. While I am personally disappointed by the result, I very much welcome the fact that so many people voted. It seems that many people voted YES as a way of showing their acceptance and their love for friends and family members who are gay. Large...

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Pastoral Statement Of Bishop Kevin Doran On The Marriage Referendum

“When the Time comes, you will Receive the Holy Spirit and you will be my Witnesses” (Acts 1:8) Download Pastoral Statement  Dear sisters and brothers in Christ. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. It is, in a sense an ending. It also marks the beginning of our mission as Church in the concrete circumstances of the...

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Homily for Admission to Candidacy

Homily for Admission to Candidacy Bishop Kevin Doran Sunday 24th May 2015, St Angela’s College, Sligo Those who heard the teaching of the Apostles in Jerusalem were gathered for the Passover. They came from all over the then known world and we are told that they each heard the teaching of the Apostles in their...

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Homily for Second Sunday of Easter – The Mercy of God

Homily for Second Sunday of Easter – The Mercy of God Bishop Kevin Doran Knock Shrine, Co Mayo Sunday 12th April 2015 There is a lot of emphasis these days on equality and that, in some ways, makes it difficult for us to understand, or indeed to accept, mercy. Mercy, of its very nature, is...

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Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at the Mass of Chrism

Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at the Mass of Chrism Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo Wednesday 1st April 2015 Just a week ago we celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation; that moment when it was revealed to Mary that she was to be the Mother of God. The one who is pure spirit, took...

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Homily for Centenary Mass of the Knights of St Columbanus

Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran for Knights of St Columbanus  Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo  Sunday 22nd March 2015 If anyone tries to save his life he will lose it. But if anyone willingly lays down his life, he will surely save it. Follow the Leader I’m sure that many brave soldiers on the...

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A Tale of Two Synods. Talk given by Bishop Kevin Doran, Holy Trinity Church, Donaghmede, Dublin 23rd February 2015

A Tale of Two Synods Talk given by Bishop Kevin Doran, Holy Trinity Church, Donaghmede, Dublin 23rd February 2015 The Project of Pope Francis I want to begin this evening by saying a few words about the Synod of Bishops. As you probably know, this is a project in two parts, which began with the...

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Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at Mass to mark World Day for Consecrated Life

Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at Mass to mark World Day for Consecrated Life St. Joseph’s Church, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Sunday 1st February 2015 Just a week ago I was in London for a meeting and I took an hour out to go and sit with one of my favourite pieces of art, Caravaggio’s “Supper at Emmaus”. ...

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