Homilies and Addresses

Reflection of Bishop Kevin at Mass in the Cathedral on the Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse

Friday 15th February 2019 The Lord always finds a way to speak to us through his Word. All of this week the first reading has been from the Book of Genesis and today the reading invites us to reflect on the mystery of sin. People often speak of the apple tree in this story of...

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Homily by Rev Dr Michael Duignan, Vicar for Education – Catholic Schools Week 2019

Catholic Schools Week 2019 Begins! Homily by Rev Dr Michael Duignan, Vicar for Education Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo 27th January 2019   A truly Catholic school, firm in its catholic identity and precisely because of its catholic identity can at the same time see itself as a living “Courtyard of the Gentiles”. A...

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Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at Ecumenical Service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

“Justice And Only Justice You Shall Pursue” Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at Ecumenical Service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Friday 25th January 2019, St John’s Church of Ireland Cathedral, Sligo What do Confucius and Buddha, Socrates and Plato have in common? They were, of course, great teachers, lovers of wisdom and seekers...

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Homily of Bishop Kevin, Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God and 52nd World Day of Prayer for Peace

On Christmas Day, we celebrated the Feast of the Nativity, and the focus was on Jesus, the Word made flesh. A week later, the Church invites us to celebrate the Solemnity of the Mary, the Mother of God. This is not about taking the focus off Jesus. It is about reminding us whose mother Mary...

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Homily of Bishop Kevin at Midnight Mass, 24th December 2018, Sligo Cathedral

Caesar Augustus issued a decree for a census of the whole world to be taken. I remember, as a child, being told at school, that Caesar Augustus was an arrogant man; that he was not interested in people, but only in finding out how many people’s lives he controlled and how powerful he really was....

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Bishop Kevin’s Christmas Message for 2018 

I spent a few days on retreat in November and, as I walked along the woodland paths, I enjoyed watching the squirrels darting around gathering beech nuts and acorns for the winter. It may be my imagination, but they seem to have been even more active on Black Friday.  There is something of the squirrel...

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Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at Mass for St Angela’s College Graduation 2018

Since you were a child, even without knowing it, you have worked for this day. You have been supported by parents, teachers and others who love you. In more recent years, as you chose the path to a course at St Angela’s, you have been more focused. What motivated you? Was it the parchment, the...

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Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at the Grotto, Lourdes

Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at the Grotto 30th August 2018 Most families have the experience from time to time of visitors calling unexpectedly. They are not coming in; they are not staying, but “yes, ok, just a cup of tea in the hand”. As a child I was often...

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Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at the Knock Novena

Family: The First School of Human Values Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at the Knock Novena Sunday 19th August 2018   The Bread of God’s Word Some years ago, I spent a few months living in a parish in France. There was one grocery shop, one bar, one chemist shop, two restaurants and four bakeries....

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Introductory Address of Bishop Kevin Doran at “Love and Life in Marriage” Conference

Introductory address given by Bishop Kevin Doran at “Love and Life in Marriage”, a conference celebrating the Church’s vision for sexuality and marriage on the 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae.  Bishop Kevin formally opened the proceedings of the conference by introducing the topic and the guest speakers. The conference, hosted by Nazareth Family Institute, was...

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