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Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran for the Mass of Chrism 2018

Just a week ago today, Pope Francis announced that he would be coming to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families in August.  We have known for a while that it was a possibility, but now it is a reality.  In recent months we have been thinking and praying a bit more than usual about...

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‘Our Common Humanity’ – Statement of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference

‘Our Common Humanity’ Statement on the second day of the Spring 2018 General Meeting of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference As pastors we are aware that the conversation about unborn life is sensitive, delicate and, indeed, painful for many.  We offer our reflections with the greatest of respect for everyone while wishing to make some...

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A Season of Transformation – Bishop Kevin’s Message for Lent 2018

“I am asking you to make a personal commitment to some form of prayer and penance during this season of Lent, in a way that perhaps some of us have not done for quite some time. Do it as a specific expression of your desire to “Choose Life” and to respond generously and constructively to...

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Saint Valentine’s Day

The World Meeting of Families is inviting couples to share special tokens of love with a difference for Saint Valentine’s Day this year. Following Pope Francis’ calls to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day in a more meaningful way, WMOF2018 is inviting couples to think beyond the traditional box of chocolates or bunch of flowers to gifts...

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Pope Francis on Family – Join us to Reflect on Family Life!

POPE FRANCIS ON FAMILY As we prepare for the World Meeting of Families this August, we invite you to join us for guided discussion and reflection on family life, as outlined in Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love in the Family.  These informal sessions, which are free of charge, will take place in...

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Pastoral Message: The Gift of Life – A Shared Responsibility

The Gift of Life – A Shared Responsibility Pastoral Message of Bishop Kevin Doran   The Mystery of Life In the Summer of 2016, I noticed a pair of swans with their five recently hatched cygnets on the Garavogue river. By the following Spring, they were almost fully grown. Their muddy brown feathers had been...

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Opening of Catholic Schools Week – Homily of Rev Dr Michael Duignan

Opening of Catholic Schools Week Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo Sunday 28th January 2018   Homily of Rev Dr Michael Duignan, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Formation in the Diocese of Elphin   Catholic Schools Week 2018 calls on the whole Catholic school community to become acquainted with the richness of Catholic wisdom on...

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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2018

Sermon of Rev. Patrick Bamber during a liturgy for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on 25th January 2018 in the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Sligo Bishop Kevin is pictured with Canon Edward Yendall, Rev. David Clarke, Rev. Alan Wooderson, Dean Afron Williams, Canon Patrick Bamber,  Rev. Jeremy Nicoll, Fr Declan Boyce, Rev. Ann Wooderson, Fr Patrick Lombard and Arch Deacon Isaac Hanna   Exodus...

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“Sign of peace” in the Liturgy

In the context of the present outbreak of ‘flu, we have, understandably, had some enquiries about the “sign of peace” in the liturgy. In response, the diocese wishes to issue the following guidance: “The sign of peace is an integral part of our preparation for Holy Communion. It is an acknowledgement of one another as...

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Christmas Message from Bishop Kevin

  I was born almost exactly six months after Christmas; so my first Christmas was spent in the comfort of my mother’s womb. The only gift I got was the only gift I really needed, the gift of life. I was the first child for my parents, and I imagine it was both an anxious...

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