Diocesan Priesthood
Fr. Eamonn O’Connor shares some of his experience about his call to priesthood and ministry in the Diocese of Elphin
Fr. Brian Conlon shares his story on being a Priest in the Diocese of Elphin
Fr. Pat Lombard shares his story on being a Priest in the Diocese of Elphin
Fr. John McManus shares his story on being a Priest in the Diocese of Elphin
Despite a culture of self-sufficiency that pushes people to do without God and the death of priests in some parts of the world, “the certainty that Christ inspires men shall never fail.” Like the Apostles who left all other occupations, they totally devote themselves to celebrating the sacred mysteries, preaching the Gospel and performing the pastoral ministry,the ‘one essential mission’.
(Benedict XVI)
What is a Diocesan Priest?
“Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people”… Luke 5:10
A diocesan priest is one who is called to serve people in a particular diocese and parish. The Bishop has been placed by Christ as head of the diocese and the priest serves in obedience to and collaboration with him, serving mostly in parishes. In the parish the priest administers the sacraments, cares for the needs of the people in good and bad times and helps to promote the message of Christ. It is a call to give your life to making Christ’s presence real through the sacraments and especially through the Eucharist.
What is a Vocation?
In the simplest terms, “vocation” means a “call.” Every vocation starts with a preliminary call, but naturally every call and every journey is different. Your vocation is what God is calling you to do with your life.
Individual vocations vary between being single, married, consecrated, religious or a priest. God gives each of us a particular mission in life. As we grow and life progresses, God reveals it to us, as a gently invitation rather than an obligation. The call to vocation in the Church is a call to use your gifts, talents and abilities to help build up the Kingdom of God.
Your Call
If you feel called to Diocesan Priesthood please talk to your local priest or to our Diocesan Vocation Directors listed below. This meeting may help you to discern your vocation and help with some real planning for the future.
- Vocations Team – vocations@elphindiocese.ie (Fr Chris Garrett, Fr Raul Cino, Fr Pat Lombard)
Priesthood Frequently Asked Questions
Click HERE for frequently asked questions about a vocation to the priest hood or see separate menu item