24 Hour Vigil for the Unborn

17th November 2017 @ 9:00 am – 18th November 2017 @ 9:00 am
24 Hour Vigil for the Unborn

Join St Mary’s Cathedral Parish, Sligo for a day of prayer, whilst invoking Irish Saints and Martyrs, as we unite together to pray especially for the protection of the 8th Amendment. This takes place on Friday 17th November commencing at 9.00am until Saturday 18th November 2017 at 9.00am, in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel beside the Cathedral. To sign up for your specified hour please text 087 6274621. Thank you for praying for the unborn child. St. John Paul II in 1979 said “May Ireland never weaken in her witness, before Europe and before the whole world, to the dignity and sacredness of all human life, from conception until death.