Online Advent Calendar 2019

The 2019 online Advent Calendar can be viewed at

Now in its sixth year, the online Advent Calendar will offer resources for the parish, school and the home which are available behind a virtual door each day during the season of Advent.  Behind each door there will be content aimed at assisting people to pray and to reflect on how best we can keep Christ at the centre of our Christmas preparations during this special liturgical season. 

The calendar has family prayers and suggestions for #LivingAdvent – acts of kindness or charity that all of us are encouraged to undertake during the month of December. The Advent Calendar will also share tips on how families can care for our common home by having a more sustainable Christmas.

A popular feature on the Advent Calendar is the audio thought for the day.  Contributors this year will include bishops, priests, religious, laity, staff of the councils and agencies of the Irish Bishops’ Conference, as well as primary, secondary and university students.  The 2019 Advent Calendar will also include:

  • Mass Readings and Saint of the Day;
  • Family prayers;
  • Advent videos: blessing of the crib in the home, blessing of the advent wreath in the home;
  • The Words of Pope Francis from Christus vivit (Christ is alive);
  • Acts of kindness in the family, school and parish
  • Suggestions to make Christmas more sustainable so as to care for our common home;
  • Seasonal prayers;
  • Multimedia thought for the day;
  • Resources for Advent including books and music;
  • Advent events in dioceses and parishes;
  • Information on Trócaire’s Gifts of Love for 2019 as well special appeals to help families in need.

Social media pages

You can also follow updates on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages using the hashtags #ShareTheJourney and #LivingAdvent.


