Permanent Diaconate
The Church teaches that there are three degrees within the Sacrament of Holy Orders: bishops, priests and deacons.
In recent centuries the Order of Deacon within the Roman Rite, tended to be seen as a step towards becoming a priest.
This state of affairs was revisited during the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council in the 1960s. At this Council a decision was taken to restore the diaconate as a distinct ministry of service within the Church to help renew and enrich the Church’s missionary endeavours.
Persons interested in having an exploratory conversation or exchange of emails concerning the Permanent Diaconate are encouraged to contact:
Bishop Kevin Doran
St. Mary’s
Temple Street
Tel: 071 9150106
The following documents provide information on the reintroduction of the Permanent Diaconate in Ireland and in the Diocese of Elphin
The Permanent Diaconate National Directory and Norms for Ireland
Becoming a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Elphin
Among You As One Who Serves – ICBC pamphlet on the Permanent Diaconate
Permanent Deacon Forms
Diocese of Elphin Diaconate – Application Form
Diocese of Elphin Diaconate – Character Reference Form
Diocese of Elphin Diaconate – Child Protection Declaration Form
Diocese of Elphin Diaconate – Employer’s Reference Form