PPC Ongoing Training Gatherings October 2024
Working together to increase the fruitfulness of our Parish Pastoral Council Meetings
More than ever before we are being asked to help make our Parish Pastoral Councils (PPCs) a vital part of our parish setup, and to consider how we can share in continuing the mission of Jesus in our communities.
This can be a challenge. Effective PPCs don’t just happen. They must be inspired by how members see themselves and other members, and how members communicate and evolve a shared sense of purpose with their parish community. There is also the matter of how every PPC and parish work through difficulties that arise, turning challenges into opportunities.
In order to advance these aims, the diocese invites all current PPC members to participate in any one of the following four regional PPC training gatherings:
Tuesday 15th October 2024
Donamon Castle
F42 YE13
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Coláiste Chiaráin
N37 AH97
Thursday 24th October 2024 (new date)
Abbey Community College
Monday 28th October 2024 (New date)
Summerhill College
F91 D5YF
THE SCHEDULE (All Gatherings)
7.40 pm
Meet and greet over tea /coffee
8.00 pm
Opening Prayer (modelling what can be done at PPC meetings)
8.10 pm
Review of Prayer Experience
8.15 pm
The emerging vision re: PPC
8.30 pm
Role Play & Discussion
9.00 pm
Introduction to Synodal Conversation as proposed by Pope Francis … and in a way that can be applied during PPC meetings.
9.10 pm
Facilitated discussion in pastoral council groupings regarding learnings from participation
9.25 pm
Closing Prayer Ritual
9.30 pm
During each meeting we will seek eight people to undertake the role play.
These gatherings will seek, in ways that are meaningful, insightful and fun, to honour four objectives:
- bring us into conversation, as members of a synodal church (this idea will be explained), around how we share responsibility for continuing the mission of Jesus,
- provide us with an opportunity to discuss some common pitfalls that cause PPCs to flounder,
- offer Councils opportunities to reflect on how they problem-solve
- invite Councils to reflect on how they engage the goodwill, aspirations, desires and competencies of other people.
Please let your PPC secretary and / or chairperson know which meeting you will attend at least five days before the meeting.
Secretaries / Charipersons, we would appreciate if you could advise Justin Harkin of numbers presenting from your council.
Justin can be contacted @ 087 6171526 / justin@elphindiocese.ie
Updated; 25th September 2024
Elphin Diocese’s Revised (2020) Parish Pastoral Constitution
Click Here To Download